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UrbanFlow v.0.1 Edit

Welcome to our UrbanFlow.

This API document is designed for those interested in developing for our UrbanFlow library.

Getting Started Edit

Welcome to our API.

This API document is designed for those interested in developing for our platform.

This API is still under development and will evolve.

You’ll succeed if you do this.

Here’s some useful information.

Something may not happen if you try and do this.

Something bad will happen if you do this.

Errors Edit

Code Name Description
200 OK Success
201 Created Creation Successful
400 Bad Request We could not process that action
403 Forbidden We couldn’t authenticate you

All errors will return JSON in the following format:

  "error": true,
  "message": "error message here"

/urban/api/subway_geojson.php Edit

Get subway coordinates

Returns a specific book from your collection

$.get("https://deepurban.kaist.ac.kr/urban/api/subway_geojson.php", {}, function(data) {
  {"type" : "FeatureCollection", "features" : [{"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type":"Point","coordinates":[126.975271,37.563534]}, "properties": {"철도운영기관명": "서울교통공사", "노선": "2호선", "역명": "시청", "경도": 126.975271, "위도": 37.563534}}, ...]}

Time-series Building Construction Edit

Visualization: https://deepurban.kaist.ac.kr/urban/building.php img

LTE-based Live Population Data Edit

Visualization: https://deepurban.kaist.ac.kr/urban/localpeople.html img

Local Store Data (인허가 데이터) Edit

Visualization: https://deepurban.kaist.ac.kr/urban/localdata.php img